Matti Heino
I have worked with behaviour change topics in media, sales and marketing research, before diving into the behavioural sciences – more specifically, what’s known as behavioural or lifestyle medicine. I believe complexity science and research transparency are key in advancing the field post-replication crisis. My main research interest is in helping people initiate and sustain lifestyle changes, while avoiding unwanted side effects.
I write about scientific methodology and behavioural research from the complexity perspective in my other blog. I’m also a certified Real World Risk Institute alumnus, and teach a University of Helsinki course Critical Appraisal of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA) – Evaluating and not getting fooled by data in scientific and practical research contexts. If you’re curious, slides are available here.
In my day-to-day life, I try out creative ways of being physically active, and fantasise about having more time for martial arts and mathematics. I also have a long history of self-inquiry via the practice of Zen Buddhist meditation, as well as quantified self practices; when I write, I can only speak for viewpoints that work for me. I hope they help you find your own way!
You can send me an e-mail or follow me on Twitter: @heinonmatti
Other links: ORCID, Open Science Foundation, Publons, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn.